BrokerIQ Training
Whether you are a new broker, loan officer, or processor, these training resources will be your key to more loans in today’s market.
BrokerIQ Video Tutorials
Pre-Registration | Post Registration | Additional Functions |
Step 1: Validate 1003 | Step 1: Price Lock Loan | Quick Pricer |
Step 2: Credit AUS | Step 2: Online Submission Form | Upload Conditions |
Step 3: Pricing | Step 3: Package Upload | Submit Requests |
Step 4: Register Loan | Step 4: Review and Finalize |
Pre Registration
Step 1: Validate 1003 (2 Minutes)
Step 2: Credit AUS (3 Minutes)
Step 3: Pricing (2 Minutes)
Step 4: Register Loan (2 Minutes)
Post Registration
Step 1: Price Lock Loan (3 Minutes)
Step 2: Online Submission Form (1 Minute)
Step 3: Package Upload (1 Minute)
Step 4: Review and Finalize (1 Minute)
Additional Functions
Quick Pricer (3 Minutes)
Upload Conditions (2 Minutes)
Submit Requests (2 Minutes)
Government Agency Approvals
Mortgagee/Loss Payee Clause
P.O. Box 692408
San Antonio, TX 78269-2408